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Version: 4.3

From Notebook to Katonic Pipeline using Katonic Studio

1. Get Started

Jupyter Notebook is a very popular tool that data scientists use every day to write their ML code, experiments, and visualize the results. However, when it comes to converting a Notebook to a Pipeline, data scientists struggle a lot. It is a very challenging, time-consuming task, and most of the time it needs the cooperation of several different subject-matter experts: Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer, Data Engineer.

A typical machine/deep learning pipeline begins as a series of preprocessing steps followed by experimentation/optimization and finally deployment. Each of these steps represents a challenge in the model development lifecycle. Katonic Studio provides a Pipeline Visual Editor for building AI pipelines from notebooks, Python scripts and R scripts, simplifying the conversion of multiple notebooks or scripts files into batch jobs or workflows.

This tutorial will guide you to use the Katonic Studio to assemble pipelines from Python notebooks or scripts without the need for any coding.

1.1 Sign In

Once the admin creates your ID in the respective cluster, you will get your username and temporary password over e-mail.

Open the login page, set your permanent password and login to try the Katonic platform.


Enter Email and Password and click on the “Sign In” button to sign in to the Katonic platform.

1.2 Orient yourself to the Katonic platform

When you first log in, you will find yourself in the Dashboard section of Katonic. You can use the left sidebar to navigate to other sections of Katonic Platform.


  1. To view the platform in full screen click on the “full-screen mode“ on the top right of the page.

  2. If you would like to search the Katonic documentation for help, click on the “?” icon on the top right of the page.

  3. To send a question to a member of the Katonic support staff, use the Support button on the bottom right of the page.

1.3 Create a Workspace

  1. From the Workspace on the left panel, Click on ‘Create Workspace’ in the top right side of the page.


  2. Fill in the following details.


    • Give your Workspace an informative name (like amazon-revenue).

      Note : Workspace name should contain only lowercase(a-z), numbers(0-9) and hyphen(-).

    • Select Environment as Katonic Studio.

    • Select the Number of CPUs and the memory you want to allocate to Workspace.

    • click on Create.


1.4 Start Workspace

  1. Once you create a workspace you could see it will be in 'processing' state.


  2. Once the workspace has started it will show the connect button with which you can connect to the notebook server.


  3. When you connect a workspace, a new session is created on a machine and your browser is automatically redirected to the notebook UI.

  4. Once your notebook is up and running, you will see a fresh Jupyter interface.

    If you are new to Jupyter, you might find the Jupyter documentation click here and Jupyterlab documentation click here helpful.


1.5 Configure Runtime Image

In this section, you can utilize existing Docker images or add an already created image from your registries, such as Docker Hub or, for easy access. For more details, check the Docker Hub documentation to understand how to create and deploy images in the Docker Hub registry.

  1. Click on the "Runtime Images" Icon in the left bar

  2. Click on the "+" button on the top right

  3. Fill in all the details on the page:

    Runtime Image Configuration

    • Name: User-friendly name that will appear under the Runtime Images list.

    • Description (optional): Small description defining your image.

    • Tags: Select tags for categorizing the runtime image with respect to the image name.

    • Image Name: Specify the source image name. This should include the full image name, including the registry, repository, and tag.

      When using Docker Hub as the registry to pull the image from, the format of the name is shown in the following example:

      Image Name: library/myimage:tag.
      • library: The default namespace or organization for Docker Hub.

      • myimage: The name of the Docker Hub image.

      • tag: The version or tag of the image.

        When using other registries apart from Docker Hub, such as, etc., the format of the name is shown in the following example:

        Image Name:
      • The registry domain.

      • myorg: The organization or namespace on the third-party registry.

      • myimage: The name of the image on the third-party registry.

      • tag: The version or tag of the image.

    • Image Pull Policy: The Image Pull Policy is a setting used in container systems to determine when to pull a container image. There are three options in the dropdown list for image pull policies:

      • Always: The container runtime always attempts to pull the latest version of the image from the registry, ensuring that the container is running the most up-to-date version of the image.
      • IfNotPresent: The container runtime pulls the image from the registry only if a local copy of the image is not already present. If a local copy exists, it uses that local copy without attempting to fetch the latest version.
      • Never: The container runtime never attempts to pull the image from the registry. It relies solely on the locally available copy. If the image is not present locally, the pod fails to start.
    • Image Pull Secret (optional): An Image Pull Secret is a Kubernetes resource used to securely store credentials required to pull container images from a container registry, especially when the registry is private. Fill this depending on whether you have an existing secret for the image you're pulling from a private registry.

  4. Click on "SAVE & CLOSE" to save the image.

  5. A list of additional images can be seen in the left panel.

1.6 Get your Files and Data

Some of the examples are available on Katonic's public repository. You can directly use those for your experimentation purpose or clone other examples from Github.

Files and Data can be created in the same environment or can be cloned from GitHub. In this section, we will be showing you how can you clone data and files from our open-source examples available on GitHub.

Click here for Katonic use cases repository

  1. Click on the “Git” icon on the left bar

  2. Click on the “Clone a Repository” button available in the left panel. This will open up a window.


  3. Enter the Clone URI Link that is available in GitHub Repository.


  4. Click on the “clone” button.

  5. This process will clone the whole repo into the workspace.

  6. Click on the folder icon in the left bar.

  7. Go to location “/Examples/amazon_revenue_forcasting/”.


1.7 Store and Retrieve data using filemanager

You can use Runtime panel to connect to any of the buckets available in Katonic File Manager to store, access and update your data within the file manager while your pipeline is running. Once your pipeline has run successfully, you would be able to see all the logs for every components within the respective folder of the recent run.

1.8 Creating pipeline

A pipeline comprises one or more nodes that are (in many cases) connected with each other to define execution dependencies. Each node is implemented by a component and typically performs only a single task, such as loading data, processing data, training a model, predicting, or sending an alert.

When you open the amazon_revenue.pipeline file it will show you the created pipeline as below.


1.8.1 How to create a pipeline component

  1. Open the Launcher (File > New Launcher or “+” in the top left) if it is not already open.


  2. Open the pipeline editor to create a new untitled generic pipeline. Rename the pipeline to Example.


  3. In the Visual Pipeline Editor open the properties panel on the right side. Select the Pipeline properties tab and fill in the pipeline details.


    • Pipeline Name: Name of the pipeline will appear here.

    • Pipeline Runtime: A generic pipeline comprises only of nodes that are implemented using generic components. This release includes three generic components that allow for execution of Jupyter notebooks, Python scripts, and R scripts.

    • Pipeline Description: An optional description summarizing the pipeline purpose.

    • Object Storage Path Prefix: For generic components, this path prefix is used when storing artifacts on Object Storage.

    • Runtime Image: As Runtime Image choose “Pandas”. The runtime image identifies the container image that is used to execute the notebook or Python script when the pipeline is run on Kubeflow Pipelines. This setting must always be specified, but is ignored when you run the pipeline locally.

    • Environment Variables: If desired, you can customize additional inputs by defining environment variables.

    • Data volumes: Volumes to be mounted in all nodes. The specified volume Claims must exist in the Kubernetes namespace where the nodes are executed or the pipeline will not run.

  4. Expand the component palette panel on the left-hand side. Note that there are multiple component entries, one for each supported file type.


  5. Drag the notebook component entry onto the canvas (or double click on a palette entry) and hover over the node. The error messages are indicating that the node is not yet configured properly.


  6. Select the newly added node on the canvas, right-click, and select Open Properties from the context menu.


  7. Configure the node properties.


    • Label: Assign the node a descriptive label. If you leave the label empty, the file name will be used.

    • Filename: Browse to the file location. Navigate to the “/Examples/amazon_revenue_forcasting/” directory and select “load_data.ipynb”.

    • Runtime Image: As Runtime Image choose “Pandas”.

      The runtime image identifies the container image that is used to execute the notebook or Python script when the pipeline is run on Kubeflow Pipelines. This setting must always be specified but is ignored when you run the pipeline locally.

    • CPU/GPU/RAM: If the container requires a specific minimum amount of resources during execution, you can specify them.

    • File Dependencies: The load_data file does not have any input file dependencies. Leave the input field empty.

    • Environment Variables: If desired, you can customize additional inputs by defining environment variables.

  8. For a component, you can comment from the comment button.

    • Select the component

    • Click on the comment button on the top


1.8.2 Defining Pipeline Parameters

Pipeline parameters are defined in the "Properties" window in Katonic Studio. Here's how to define pipeline parameters:

  1. Navigate to the Properties Dialogue Box Choose the panel in the pipeline canvas/panel and Next to the description of "Runtime:" on the right-hand sidebar, there is an "expansion toggle" icon that indicates "open panel". Clicking on it will cause the pipeline panel's Properties window to open.


  2. Defining a New Parameter: Give your parameter a name, optional description, and data type in the Pipleline Parameter box. Data types include boolean, integer, float, and string. It is also possible to assign a default value to the parameters. Following that, click the "Add" button to define a new parameter. For adding more than one parameters, repeat the above steps as you can assign your pipeline components as many parameters as they require.


You can utilise the parameters you've established for the pipeline in your pipeline components by following these steps:

  1. Select a component: Click or pick the node/component where the pipeline parameter that was previously defined is to be added.

  2. Access the Properties Window and Open the "Node Properties" tab: Use the "open panel" icon or do a right-click on the component to bring up the "properties window" option. Click/select the "Node Propeties" tab and select the node/component you want to edit the propeties of in the panel, after this step scroll down the "Node Parameters" window where get a collection of Checkboxes with the pipeline parameters availabe to be included for the respective node under "Pipeline Parameters", select the parameters to use for the corresponding node from the checkboxes.


  3. Reference and use the Parameter in your code: To use a parameter, you can reference it in a field by enclosing its name in double curly braces, e.g., {{data_path}}. you can use the os.environ.get() to get the values of the parameter, e.g., data_path_param = os.environ.get("data_path", "No value found") data_path=f"{data_path_param}" . The parameter name should match the one you defined in "Pipeline Parameters", you can configure other properties of the node/component as needed and can use pipeline parameters in multiple nodes as required.

import pandas as pd
import os
data_path_param = os.environ.get("data_path", "No value found")

After defining and using pipeline parameters, we can pass the values dynamically to these parameters when running a pipeline. Here's how to do it:

  1. Run the Pipeline: Start running your pipeline in Katonic Studio.


  2. Configure The Parameters: During the pipeline run, you will have the option to configure parameter values. You can provide specific values for each parameter.


  3. Run the Pipeline with Custom Values: Start the pipeline run with the custom parameter values you've provided. The pipeline will execute using the values you specified. As for the above "Amazon_revenue" pipeline, you can use "" to run for the example pipeline created.

  4. Reuse with Different Values: You can reuse the same pipeline with different parameter values by reconfiguring them each time.

1.8.3 How to connect components

Earlier in this tutorial, you added a (notebook or Python script) file component to the canvas using the palette. You can also add Jupyter notebooks, Python scripts, or R scripts to the canvas by dragging and dropping from the JupyterLab File Browser.

  1. From the JupyterLab File Browser drag and drop the “preprocess.ipynb” notebook from location “/Examples/amazon_revenue_forcasting/“ onto the canvas.

  2. Customize the file's execution properties as follows:

    • Runtime image: Pandas

    • Output files: output.csv

  3. Connect the output port of the load_data node to the input port of the preprocessing node to establish a dependency between the two notebooks.

  4. Save the pipeline.


1.8.4 Amazon Revenue pipeline flow

Earlier in the tutorial, we have seen how to create pipeline components and connect the components. In this section, we will see how the end-to-end Amazon revenue forecasting pipeline is implemented.

  1. Open “amazon_revenue.pipeline” pre-build pipeline for amazon revenue forecasting use case.


  2. When you double click on any of the components it will open the Jupyter notebook file.

  3. In every component, you should read the output from the previous step and save the results of the current step.

  4. Load Data: Load amazon revenue data from GitHub Link and validate the data. Save the result in the out.csv file

import pandas as pd

# clone amazon revenue data from GitHub

df.head() # print dataset # print info and check null values and data types

# save this step output to a file
  1. Preprocess: Check null values, typecast “Quarter” column to DateTime, rename columns and you can add any type of preprocessing in this file. Save the results in output.csv
import pandas as pd

# read output file of previous step as input of this step
df = pd.read_csv("output.csv")

df.isnull().any() # check if data has any values

df['Quarter']=pd.to_datetime(df['Quarter']) # Type cast Quarter column to datetime

# rename COlumns

# save this step output to a file
  1. Train and Test Split: Split the data into train and test. Data between '2005-03-31' and '2019-03-31' should be into the train, rest into the test. import pandas as pd
# read output file of previous step as input of this step
df = pd.read_csv("output.csv")

# Split data into train and test
# Train : data between '2005-03-31' and '2019-03-31'
# Test : data after '2019-03-31'

# Print Shape

# Save train and test into a file
  1. Model Training: Install fbprophet package since it is not available in the base python image. Or can also add a new image that contains fbprophet package from “Runtime Image” and add that image to the component. Train fbprophet model with amazon revenue data
import os
# install packages fbprophet which is not available in base image
os.system("pip install pystan== fbprophet")

# import packages
from fbprophet import Prophet
import pandas as pd
import pickle

#load train data saved in previous step
train = pd.read_csv("train.csv")

# Train Prophet model with train data

# Save Trained model into a pickle file
with open("model.pkl", "wb") as f:
pickle.dump(model, f)
  1. Prediction: Install fbprophet package since it is not available in the base python image. Or can also add a new image that contains fbprophet package from “Runtime Image” and add that image to the component. Load the model that is trained and predict the future revenue.
import os
# install packages fbprophet which is not available in base image
os.system("pip install pystan== fbprophet")

import pandas as pd
import pickle
from fbprophet import Prophet

# Load model stored in previous step
with open("model.pkl", "rb") as f:
model = pickle.load(f)

# prediction of future revenue using the trained model
future=model.make_future_dataframe(periods=4,freq='Q') #as the time stamp is Quaterly & 4 is for test data records

# Store end results into file
  1. Send Alert: Send an alert message to slack with the prediction results.
import os
os.system("pip install slack slackclient")
from slack import WebClient
from slack.errors import SlackApiError

token = "Your Slack Token"
channel = 'Your communication channel'
text = "Model is trained and future revenue generation is predicted."
file = "output.csv"
title = "Amazon Revenue"

client = WebClient(token=token)

response = client.chat_postMessage(
response = client.files_upload(
except SlackApiError as e:
# You will get a SlackApiError if "ok" is False
assert e.response["ok"] is False
assert e.response["error"] # str like 'invalid_auth', 'channel_not_found'
print(f"Got an error: {e.response['error']}")
  1. Now pipeline is built and ready. Save the pipeline to run.

1.9 Run Pipeline

In the previous section, we have seen how the generic pipeline and amazon revenue forecasting pipeline is built. In this section, you will learn how to run a pipeline in the Kubeflow runtime environment.

  1. Run pipeline from the button available on the top bar.


  2. Enter pipeline name (eg: amazon_revenue), select Runtime Platform as Kubeflow Runtime, and click on the “OK” button.


  3. Pipeline id now submitted to Kubeflow environment. Click on “OK”.


  4. The pipeline will run in the Kubeflow environment. You can see the pipeline in Pipeline on left panel the platform.


  5. Click on the pipeline to view the complete pipeline. The pipeline status is in Running. Once all the components run it will show the status in green. Note: To view the pipeline clearly use “full screen” mode (button available on the top right).


  6. Click on the component to see the logs and visualizations of the current step.


1.10 Schedule Pipeline

In the previous section, we have seen how to run the Kubeflow pipeline. In this section, you will learn how to schedule this pipeline or re-run the same pipeline again.

  1. Go to Runs in the left sidebar.


  2. Click on “Create Run” to run the pipeline or schedule the pipeline.


  3. Click on Choose in the pipeline text box.


  4. Select a pipeline that you want to run or schedule (Eg: amazon_revenue). Click on the “Use this pipeline” button.


  5. Give a new Run Name (Eg: amazon_revenue_test). Also choose the respective experiment name under which you have performed your run.


  6. The pipeline can be run in two ways i.e., run once or schedule

    • Run Once: Select Run Type as One-off radio button and click on start to run the pipeline.


    • Scheduling: Select Run Type as Recurring.


      • Trigger Type: Select if the pipeline should run as a Periodic or cron Job.
      • Maximum Concurrent Runs: limit the number of runs launched in parallel
      • Start Date and End Date: Give the start and end date of the scheduler (Optional)
      • Catchup: Specify how many runs every minute/hour/day/week/month.
  7. Scheduled runs can be seen here in the Recurring runs.


  8. Click on run to check the schedule configurations.


  9. Click on manage to enable or disable the scheduler.
