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Version: 4.4


The list below contains the functionality that we are planning to develop for Explainit.

  • Items below that are in development (or planned for development) will be indicated in parentheses.
  • We welcome contribution to all items in the roadmap!

Data Quality Management

  • Drift detection
  • Data Metric production
  • Data profiling and validation
  • Reference/Training Data
  • Production/Inference Data
  • Training-serving skew detection

Model Quality Management

  • Model Drift
  • Model Performance

Model explainability

  • Black Box Model

Statistical Tests

  • Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K-S)
  • Chi-Square
  • Z Score
  • Wasserstein Distance (normed)
  • Jensen-Shannon Distance
  • Population Stability Index (PSI)
  • kullback leibler divergence (KL Div)

Data Sources

  • DataFrame Source
    • Pandas
    • Spark
  • File Source
    • Parquet file source
    • CSV file source


  • Slack

Code Standards

  • PEP 517